Memoria Cultural Foundation was created in 1991 as an NGO meant to promote Human Rights and civic values and to transmit the memory of political persecutions perpetrated by communist regime in Romania.
In the last 20 years, Memoria Cultural Foundation published the Memoria magazine and more than 20 books on politics and memory, on communism and political persecutions and a few memoirs and journals of former political detainees and deportees. Memoria magazine’s collaborators are among the most important intellectuals and artists of today Romania: Serban Papacostea, Ana Blandiana, Andrei Pipiddi, Romulus Rusan, Camilian Demetrescu, etc.
Memoria Cultural Foundation is also involved in organizing conferences (such as, „Colocviile de la Beclean”, Simpozionul Internaţional „Experimentul Piteşti-reeducarea prin tortură”) and debates on the topics of Human Rights, political persecutions, deportation, civic responses to present-day societal problems, etc.
In 2010, Memoria Cultural Foundation together with Civic Academy Foundation gained a grant from the European Commission, through its Programme, “Europe for citizens”, Action 4, “Active European Memory”, with a project entitled “Memory of deportation in Romania”. Meant to make visible the topic of deportation in Romania during communism, the project was a big success. The exhibition, “Black Whitsuntide. Baragan deportation” was displayed in Bucharest, Braila, Sighet, and at the European Parliament.