Claudia-Florentina Dobre, a Ph.D. in History of Laval University, Québec, is the director of the Centre of Memory and Identity Studies. She majored in History at the University of Bucharest (1999). She held a Master of Arts in Medieval Studies from CEU (2002), and a MA in Social Sciences from Ecole doctorale francophone en sciences more »
About deportation in communist Romania
In December, 1989, the Romanian communism disappeared as suddenly as it came to power. Free from fear and hunger, from dark and cold, most of Romanians wanted to forget this experience. They focused on living the present. The communist crimes and abuses stirred limited interest. Despite the rather unimportant interest in communism, the repressive more »
“Memorialul deportarii” (The Memorial of Deportation)
Our project aims at re-introducing the topic of deportation into public space debates. It aims to to slow down the movement of oblivion through a documentary, a book, an internet site, a conference and many debats dedicated to deportation. Our project addresses the problem of the communist deportation, a “second Gulag” as Nicolas Werth called more »
We want to express our warmly gratitude to all the witnesses who accepted to tell us about their experiences of deportation. Many thanks to Emiliano Berchio and InVivo band for allowing us to use their wonderful music. Many thanks to Codruţ Constantinescu for his advices and support. We want to express our gratitude to our more »
Mulţumim tuturor martorilor acestui fenomen, care au ales să depună mărturie în faţa camerei, făcând astfel publice dramaticele lor poveşti, adevărate lecţii de viaţă pentru noi toţi. Mulţumim lui Emiliano Berchio şi InVivo band ce ne-au oferit cu prietenie muzica scrisă şi interpretată de ei. Mulţumim lui Codruţ Constantinescu pentru sprijinul academic şi moral. Le more »